Nestled in the heart of Southern Africa, Swaziland, officially known as the Kingdom of Eswatini, is a picturesque country filled with rich traditions and culture. Renowned for its varied landscape that stretches from the spectacular peaks of the Lubombo Mountains to the lush savannahs of the Lowveld, it's home to an abundant array of wildlife and a wealth of natural beauty. A nation that places great importance on community, Swaziland's warm and welcoming citizens encompass a wide array of ethnic groups, each contributing to the vibrant, diverse tapestry that makes up the country’s heritage. Whether it's exploring the bustling markets of Mbabane, taking in the stunning views at Malolotja Nature Reserve, or immersing yourself in the colourful festivities of the Umhlanga Reed Dance, Swaziland offers a unique blend of experiences that reflect its rich history and traditions.
At APCS Ltd, we take pride in offering our premier service,, to UK employers aiming to safely recruit personnel who have previously worked or are currently working in the vibrant kingdom of Swaziland. This product has been designed to provide a systematic and comprehensive solution, helping you execute the essential process of background checking, specifically focusing on criminal record checks.
One of the most daunting aspects of hiring from an international pool is often the legal complications and uncertainties that come with varying international regulations and laws. At APCS Ltd, we significantly streamline this process, taking accountability for the most laborious yet crucial aspects of international hiring.
Our product for Swaziland offers a local level Criminal Records Check. This check, obtained directly from law enforcement, offers a deep and broad perspective into potential employees' background by providing information on any major offences. These potentially include the type of charge, trial date and/or offence date, file date, case number, dates of conviction, sentence, and dispositions.
Unfortunately, the search period for these checks can vary, but we work tirelessly to deliver this necessary information as swiftly and effectively as possible. One of the key elements that set our service apart is our commitment to transparency and convenience. All results from our in-depth checks are conveyed directly to the employer via email, eliminating time wasted on superfluous paperwork and back-and-forth communications.
Running criminal record checks, especially for candidates from overseas, could be a long-winded process, but with, we simplify and accelerate this process massively. We invite you to utilise our services, while we do all the hard work, ensuring your prospective hires from Swaziland meet the highest standards of integrity. Kindly visit our portal and order your checks for a speedy and comprehensive overseas criminal record check experience.