The Faroe Islands, an archipelago nestled between the Norwegian Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean, is a self-governing entity within the Kingdom of Denmark. Known for its picturesque landscape, the Faroe Islands are home to rugged cliffs, towering mountains, and traditional Nordic architecture. Its capital, Tórshavn, is one of the smallest capitals in the world, retaining a charming, old-world ambiance. The Faroe Islands' unique blend of ancient traditions and a modern lifestyle make it an intriguing place of residence and work. Despite its small geographical size, the islands offer a close-knit community, rich cultural heritage, and rewarding employment opportunities in sectors such as fishery, tourism, and renewable energy.
At, we understand that the decision to hire someone who has worked abroad comes with its unique set of complexities. Our job is to simplify these complexities for you, particularly for employers looking to hire individuals who have previously worked or are currently working in the Faroe Islands.
Our primary product offering for the Faroe Islands is the Criminal Records Check at the local level. This entails a comprehensive search spanning a period of 7 years, casting a wide net to ensure nothing is missed. It primarily focuses on capturing significant offences, the details of which may include the type of charge, trial date and/or offence date, file date, case number, as well as dates of conviction, sentences, and dispositions.
We pride ourselves on our rigorous methods while acquiring this information, with the checks being obtained directly from the courts. This ensures complete accuracy and reliability, providing employers with the confidence to make informed hiring decisions.
It's also important to note that while our checks are comprehensive, they are equally convenient. We take the brunt of the hard work, culminating in a quick and easy process for the employers. Ordering a check is a straightforward process and there's no need for any tedious paperwork as the results are promptly delivered via E-Mail.
Taking the first step is just as easy. Simply visit our portal and click on the button below to order your checks. Let us do the hard work for you. At, we bring you peace of mind, offering trustworthy checks made simple.